Degema Mission
This mission was heldApril 23 – 27, 2018 at the Degema General Hospital. Degema is the capital of the Degema Local Government Area (LGA), in the west senatorial district of Rivers State. It was held in collaboration with the O. B. Lulu Briggs Foundation.
Bakana Mission
Bakana, also known as Obuama, is one of the major towns in the Kalabari Kingdom. This mission was held May 20 – 24, 2019. Bakana is also in Degema LGA. This mission was held in collaboration with the O. B. Lulu Briggs Foundation. Surgical services were performed at the Primary Healthcare Center, while general consultation, physical therapy, etc., were held at the Town Hall.
Buguma Mission
We used the local Primary Healthcare Center and the LGA Council Hall sites to provide services, from May 24 – 28, 2021.Buguma is the capital of the Kalabari Kingdom and Asari-toru LGA
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